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A Friend From Chicago
Por Fred Smart - Thursday, Oct. 31, 2002 at 4:11 PM
fred@theconnectivitygroup.com 847-864-2788

I'd simply like to write to share my fervent hope that the people of Argentina can oversome and transcend the fraud and corruption within our international monetary and financial system. The fraud is being exposed ALL over the world right now. We Americans are seeing more and more of it in our country and, like a sleeping giant, We The People are waking up!! And I believe the people are Argentina are at the cutting edge of this trend worldwide!!

My name is Fred Smart and I'm a work-at-home, married father of 3 boys who is deeply interested in freedom, truth and love. And I commend the people of Argentina's work to come together at a grass-roots level to begin receiving and sharing more of their power, energy, light, truth and love with one another.

For freedom, truth and love are the enemy of mankind's power-control-distrust system of slavery. We The People of the world have been enslaved for centuries by a very organized minority of power-elites that have hi-jacked the world's financial and monetary system. And now, in order to create a massive worldwide distraction away from the underlying truth behind this fraud, these same individuals are holding We The People hostage to this "war on terrorism."

This coming Friday there will be a nationwide ad in USA Today which will run over the weekend which is being run prior to a nationwide FREEDOM DRIVE which is a major step in confronting these unconstitutional governments that have been destroying our great world.

May I recommend that you visit http://www.givemeliberty.org for a glimpse of what this movement is all about.

Keep in mind, that I'm an individual who does not believe in wearing lables or joining parties. I detest power, control, lables, claims and politics. I'm not a member of any "party."

For I believe that ALL power comes from God and remains with with We The People. And, as free-sovereign individuals we are all called to freely receive and share this power with others in ways that help, serve and make this world a better place for everyone. This is the call we are all receiving from our benevolent creator. It's up to each individual to be responsible to "see" this truth and freely share it with others and I will tolerate and believe in only a strict servant-oriented Constitutionallly limited government. For all governments want to take this power from the people and claim it for themselves.

I also believe Indymedia sites have THE best independent publishing tools on the internet today. The volunteers running these sites may espouse anti-capitalist, anti-globalization, socialist-communist causes which is fine with me. I don't have any problem with any individuals personal beliefs and actions as long as they don't hurt, harm or impinge upon my unalienable rights from God to be free while helping, serving and loving others the way I would want to be helped-served-loved in return.

For the truth is FREE!! When we freely receive and share the truth with others ALL "sides" - ie. claims which only work to blame, shame and destroy others - go away!!

Below is the email which went out today regarding the nationwide ad in USA Today which will appear this Friday. May the sleeping giant of We The People of the world finally awake and come alive with a great, thunderous celebration of life, liberty, truth and love!!

Peace and God Bless!

Fred Smart
Evanston, Illinois USA


Hot Off the Press! USA Today Ad Runs This Friday

This Friday, millions of Americans in hotels, airports, restaurants, businesses and homes will experience another of this Foundation's provocative ads when it appears in the nationwide weekend edition of USA Today.

Those that responded to our call for support should take special pride and share the energy when they see the paper on news racks everywhere for three days, knowing that their personal contribution helped deliver this critical message to the People and has brought us one step closer to reclaiming our rights and our Constitutional Republic.

The USA Today ad is one of several appearing in national publications before the Drive begins next week. Other Freedom Drive ads have been run, or will appear, in the American Free Press, The Free American, Full Throttle, The Washington Times and several smaller publications.

WTP encourages everyone to buy extra copies of the ad and post them on public bulletin boards in high traffic areas such as grocery stores, discount and hardware stores, libraries, colleges, etc.

Bob Schulz sends his special thanks but reminds us that there is still much to do. Please consider helping with the other substantial efforts including the production and broadcast of a FREE, live Internet webcast that includes a satellite video uplink. Reporters, television stations and ordinary Americans across the nation will have real-time access to witness history being made.

In the end, the USA Today ad is just a glimpse into how ideas become manifest in reality when People share a vision, come together, pool their abundance and transform themselves into a coherent voice and a daunting force.

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