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Por reenvío red eco alternativo - Wednesday, Apr. 13, 2005 at 5:33 PM

Gran revuelo mediático causó la información de la firma de un decreto que habilita a las empresas de internet a guardar información por 10 años de todo lo que hagan a través de ellas sus usuarios. Este es solo otro ingrediente que acompaña a la aprobación de leyes antiterroristas, a la visita de Rumsfeld a Argentina, al plan Mi PC de Lavagna y al nuevo sistema norteamericano TIA.

(Fabiana Arencibia-Red Eco) Argentina- En una nota publicada por la Red Eco en el Boletín Informativo del 24 de noviembre de 2004, bajo el título "Vigilancia Electrónica" (http://www.laredeco.com.ar), informábamos sobre la firma por parte de Kirchner del Dto 1563/04.
Allí decíamos "Un reciente decreto del Poder Ejecutivo nacional, que reglamenta algunos cambios en la Ley de Telecomunicaciones, pone al desnudo cómo el ojo atento de los organismos de Inteligencia observa y registra todas las comunicaciones. El pretexto: el terrorismo y la inseguridad".
Este decreto reglamentó las modificaciones introducidas por la Ley 25873 (sancionada el 17 de diciembre de 2003 en la última sesión ordinaria del Senado, sobre tablas y sin debate parlamentario) a la vieja Ley Nacional de Telecomunicaciones de 1972.

Ahora es legal lo que ya se hacía
Por su aplicación a partir del próximo 1º de julio, las empresas privadas de internet legalizarán lo que en realidad vienen haciendo desde hace tiempo: el espionaje cibernético y el almacenamiento de datos de las webs que visitamos, de los correos electrónicos que mandamos, de lo que chateamos, de lo que hablamos.
Hace pocos días la casilla de un periodista amigo fue violentada y me llegaron mensajes que, por su tenor, supuse que no venían de él. Podría traer muchos ejemplos de colegas cuyos correos fueron frecuentados por gentes no muy amigables e incluso cuyos teléfonos (celulares y de línea) son objeto de interferencias regulares (lo que se dice en la jerga popular como que "están pinchados")
Si bien el decreto tiene una cláusula de confidencialidad que impide conocer cuáles son los mecanismos que las empresas utilizan para vigilar las comunicaciones privada, hoy por hoy las personas que utilizan cuentas de correo de hotmail, el servicio gratuito de Microsoft, aceptan cláusulas de uso como las siguientes: "Usted autoriza a Microsoft a usar, copiar, distribuir, transmitir, mostrar públicamente, ejecutar públicamente, reproducir, editar, modificar, traducir y cambiar el formato de su envío (...). Microsoft podrá controlar su correo electrónico u otras comunicaciones electrónicas y podrá revelar dicha información, en caso de que estime que tiene las razones suficientes para creer, que efectivamente, resulta necesario, al objeto de garantizar el cumplimiento de este contrato y de proteger los derechos, propiedad e intereses de los colaboradores de Microsoft o cualquiera de sus clientes".

"K", Rumsfeld y Mi PC
Si todo esto ya sucedía ¿cuáles serían los nuevos datos que acompañan a esta situación?
En primer lugar que es el Estado quien ha legalizado esta violación a derechos constitucionales como el del habeas data. Según el artículo 43 de la Constitución se protege este derecho por el que todo ciudadano puede pedir que se borren sus datos de cualquier base de datos.
Por otra parte, que venga a ponerse en práctica a pocos días de haberse aprobado en el Congreso de la Nación dos proyectos, que ratifican la convención contra el terrorismo y su financiación, en los que no se define a qué se llama "terrorismo", por lo que todos podemos ser imputados de ese delito; por ejemplo por el contenido de los correos que mandamos, por las webs que visitamos, por las llamadas que hacemos.
Además este decreto toma estado público luego de la reciente visita a nuestro país del secretario de Defensa estadounidense, Donald Rumsfeld, que se llevó compromisos explícitos en materia de lucha contra el terrorismo.
Cabe destacar que esta nueva normativa está de acuerdo con lo que viene desarrollando EEUU desde el sistema de espionaje satelital conocido como Etchelon, el de espionaje por internet bajo el nombre de Carnivore y actualmente e TIA (Total Information Awareness) que supera a los anteriores y los complementa a través de estaciones de escucha, radares y satélites coordinados por bases terrestres, destinado a controlar la totalidad de las comunicaciones mundiales.
Como expresa el periodista Daniel Vilá en el periódico Acción: " El TIA en ciernes contará con una monumental base de datos que le permitirá almacenar información de los 6300 millones de habitantes del planeta e incluirá videos, fotos y hasta un traductor universal capaz de convertir instantáneamente en texto las grabaciones de voz e intervenir comunicaciones telefónicas en cualquier lugar del mundo"
Si de hilar fino se trata esta normativa se junta con el lanzamiento por parte del Ministro de Economía Roberto Lavagna del programa Mi PC por el cual se puede comprar una PC barata con el objetivo de "mitigar la brecha digital". Es este un verdadero negocio para las firmas Microsoft e Intel que han perdido participación en el mercado con la llegada de Linux. Y es Microsoft justamente quien le ha provisto a EEUU de la sofisticada tecnología para desarrollar su sistema de espionaje electrónico.

Ya se había acordado
El diario Clarín publicó el 31 de julio del año pasado un artículo que infamaba de una reunión organizada por la OEA en la cancillería argentina para debatir, durante dos días sobre la seguridad de en internet: "El gobierno de los Estados Unidos impulsa en la Argentina la aprobación de leyes que persigan lo que define como delitos informáticos. Dos altos funcionarios de los Estados Unidos participaron entre el lunes y el martes de una conferencia organizada por la OEA en la cancillería argentina, donde se promovió una legislación común en todo el continente americano y la utilización de sistemas de seguridad contra hackers. Chris Painter, subdirector de la Oficina de Delitos Informáticos del Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos y James Farman, subdirector de la División Cibernética del FBI dijeron ayer que prevenir el ciberterrorismo es para su país "una de las máxima prioridades" después del 11 de setiembre. Apuntan contra piratas cibernáticos y hackers que, se dice, pueden afectar los sistemas de comunicación, energía o comercio. Farman destacó que el FBI está dispuesto a colaborar con las agencias de seguridad de la Argentina y sostuvo que las companías privadas también deberían tomar precauciones. Durante la conferencia, un día antes, proveedores de softwares de seguridad habían mostrado sus servicios ante especialistas argentinos".
Según informa Lavaca.org el Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos y la CIA, dos oficinas del gobierno imperial, fueron las que promovieron e impusieron la llamada Ley Patriótica, sancionada por el Congreso norteamericano a 45 días del 11 de setiembre y que para muchos representa un atentado certero a los derechos civiles. El intelectual Gore Vidal, en su artículo Somos los patriotas comentó así los alcances de esta ley: 'La Ley Patriótica posibilita que agentes del gobierno puedan recoger información confidencial sin aprobación judicial ni permiso del ciudadano afectado. Toda esta actividad anticonstitucional no tiene la menor conexión con el terrorismo'.
EEUU avanza en cerrar, no sin resistencia de los pueblos, acuerdos bilaterales que le permitan ir reemplazando en la práctica la frustrada firma del ALCA. Como parte de esta estrategia de dominación da pasos para globalizar el sistema de control de las comunicaciones virtuales y por eso promueven una legislación común en todo el continente americano. Parece que Argentina se ha puesto a la vanguardia.
NdR: nota relacionada

agrega un comentario

Por VICTOR INOCENCIO CONOPUMA GENEBROSO - Monday, Jul. 07, 2008 at 4:07 AM


My name Victor I. Conopuma Genebra identified with ID: 40532462 with
Jiron legal domicile in the 467-Amauta Construction Zarate district of San
Juan de Lurigancho with due respect and I stand exposed:

Subject: Commissioner Calls CAMPOY

Gentlemen Journalists thank in advance for your support and spread the
Campoy residents in denouncing the presence of criminals who attacked with
firearms and kidnap the passage. Terror seizes Campoy
criminals carrying firearms attacked a day and bystanders
night, and despite the fact that the neighbors have requested the presence of troops
Police in the area, nobody takes letters on this issue that has
scared the neighbours of this place.

The residents said that one of the critical points of jurisdiction
is the main avenue to cross the street which has 8
become the rallying point for criminals and drug addicts where to
people at night to women beat them on the floor and
men attacked them with firearms.

Campoy is no man's land, people here live in poor has seized the
streets for assault with complete peace of mind because they know that there is no authority
put into place.

Criminals lose Vicentelo Vicentelo high and low, of the hill
Angel and the area called Las Malvinas to pass with such impudence
throughout the area aboard Tico yellow and white car, mototaxi up in red
tricycles with goat's legs in search of their victims.

Because of the danger in which they find themselves, the residents have been in the
need to apply for a commissioner with adequate infrastructure and a
City centre location, with patrol and qualified personnel as a zone with
high crime rate in the urbanisation Campoy and that was the closest
is still in Zarate.

We call for conducting technical reports and provide facilities for start
has managed the creation of the commissioner CAMPOY and reduce crime
which threatens the entire population, leaves no work, nor should the Garanti
needed to operate.

Also note that neither children, youngsters and seniors
may leave to play quiet street because the wrongdoers are the
asecho to steal their belongings or turn them into their future wards.

My approach is like the La Molina has 4 Commissioner
being a district of millionaires that has all the systems
State security and deprives the Interior Ministry and General Staff
General of the PNP is aware of this social necessity if we are
prevent more kidnappings, killings and attacks against human rights and
Private Property

Gentlemen, I am addressing journalists on the following grounds that is Campoy
Counterfeiting of kills in previous occasions I was approached
people with identity card and writing of public records indicated that as
Entrepreneurs who were false, forged documents, false receipt of light
and identity card, which is a social problem that is years.

The commissioner of Campoy is a social necessity tests are verified
of crimes here in this strategic place to protect
people who go to buy from markets in urbanization
Campoy there is land suitable for this purpose which the jurisdiction of Zarate
has rejected that they should not lose all this jurisdiction, it
passing that the bureaucratic obstacles that are hindering the Commissioner
De Zarate in the area of operations which is the Technical Acosta that sends
A report and non-delivery notifications and the outcome of the files and
Command to send half-truths.

In urbanization Campoy crimes that occur here are crimes against
Public faith, falsification of documents and against property, theft, swindling,
misappropriation, fraud and breach of trust in the grievance
state and therefore are not just ordinary crimes.

God save you.

Victor I. Conopuma Genebra

ID: 40532462

Of.: Jiron the Amauta 467-2 Flat Urbanization Zarate-SJL

T: 5459009/5459006/4328013

Press release


My name is Victor Innocent Conopuma Genebra, identified with DNI:
40532462, residing at Jirón Amauta the 467-Urbanization with Zarate
due respect and I stand exposed:
Subject: LIGHTING OF public roads Edelnor (human rights)

Gentlemen men press appeal to you to ask the Edelnor
LIGHTING OF THE public roads in the urbanisation Campoy, being a point
Criticism, and criminal events happening resale of Electricity
in places located in the MZ "S" Lot 3-2 Stage lotizacion Campoy
taking as reference the number of supply N: 1752782 others
making breach of trust, provides supplant the receipt of light to others
entrepreneurs to secure bank loans, public entities and
Private. Edelnor its air wiring are crossed in the same street and not
Parallel taking as a substation feeding power to make
crossing between poles. The resale exists in lots 3 and Lot 2 of the MZ "S"
2 stage lotizacion Campoy amauta at the stadium, which makes a great ally to
crime by the lack of street lighting in the 8 and the lack of street 17
lighting generates aggravated robberies, rapes, homicides, assaults
physical and psychological, theft Centre Shopping
The substation is a danger to this commercial area which has to be
removed to another point for being with neighboring markets technicians
Edelnor with the offers received did not carry the information according to
events not closed supplies are doing
Unlawful negotiators have also been detected receive from our LIGHT Edelnor
3 same batch before the company informed us that they can sell Edelnor
LIGHT supplies until DNI and constancy of possession issued by the
Municipality of San Juan de Lurigancho.
My question is whether the title has more than a simple legal value
POSSESSION record to which Edelnor time ago was committed illuminators
the stadium amauta authorizing the sale of supplies and 40 did not comply with this
offer in which one of the requirements was licensed by the
Municipality to which they refused to give which does not give us if not wanted
as other uses that was one of their requirements to which was the responsibility of IPD
because football stadium.
To which the organizers of shows cause them a problem the
Third person because they always cut the energy in full concert and
generating too short circuit full concert. This becomes a
social problem at the main entrance which is full of trees and without
LIGHTING making it easy for criminals to commit their hiding
Aggravated robbery. The resales come across the entire football stadium,
corners and in the center which are underpass and air before this problem
does not contribute to social development of enterprises exposing human lives
of people working in these workplaces, manipulations
meters. The supplies technicians offering management
And S/750MONOFASICOS triphasic S/1500 to which you wonder as is done
informed us that before this is managed with different direction and there is a person
working in the company in the area of systems to which we must also
give their money and that's it.
People benefit from unscrupulous private property as to which
State policy the government should intervene these private companies
directed against domestic firms and promote in schools the
Technology of solar panels.
The company Edelnor the electrical its technicians and engineers must make
the technical part to carry out the management and avoid overloading the users
to get a supply.
Companies are welcome foreign investment which would generate
Development and not of backwardness and pobreza.Terceras people climb on to roofs with
END cut the connections to companies that are operating lo cual
these manipulations will generate a large-scale fires in these
Installation and the perimeter.
The MZ "S" Lot 3 to 2 stage lotizacion Campoy there is a local material
Inflammation, metal industries and fuel sales compared to markets.
Which I ask the media and political authorities to intervene
and avoid any tragedy, others threaten others
shopping malls who disagree with his unlawful act with cut
the electricity, these people are accustomed to falsify
Documentation (crimes against public faith) which is applied to all INSPECTION
that the meters are in the perimeter which are generating Resale
Energie and supplies and closing those establishments that do not have
Safety standards required by Civil Defense. It asks technicians
cameras come with video cameras to verify this illegal act which would
originates in the evenings criminal acts that infringe on human rights
as is the case for women at night beat him at the entrance to the
8 street by ausenc
All this is a social problem that is caused by foreign investment and
The guarantor of political authorities.
The sale of fuel is a latent danger for that facility closed
aa that generate cost of human life where children and young people practicing their
as favourite sport is football. Third among people colluded
Traffickers ground and SEUDODIRIGENTES OF CAMPOY and ill tenants are stolen
reflectors that INSTALLATION to harm the company and leave it on
complete darkness and break the reflectors and FLORECENTES and seals requests
Edelnor expand its electricity network for the normal development of enterprises
operating in this place.
Cables missing isolate, malls constructed with MATERIAL
Inflammation that are a danger to persons of which are putting
OPPOSITION in the municipality to carry out such intervention to which
and have worked in the municipality as councillors and other public office
in the Period of Mauritius Economist Rabanal hinder such work
Municipal this with the SEUDODIRIGENTES that send to assaulting people
after leaving a show these people are to use acostubrados
Illegal methods against those who disagree with these
practices at the same time colluded to carry out these acts taking
Campoy consideration that urbanization is the killing of forgery OF THE
Monetary, property titles, identity card and others.

Deputy: Links to the videos:



God save you.
VICTOR Inocencio CONOPUMA Genebra
ID: 40532462
Office: Jiron the Amauta 467-2 Flat Urbanization Zarate-SJL-PERU
T (511) 5459009/5459006/4328013

Press release


My name is Victor Innocent Conopuma Genebra, identified with DNI:
40532462, residing at Jirón Amauta the 467-Urbanization with Zarate
due respect and I stand exposed:


Lords appeal and journalists in advance thank you for defending freedom
Expression, my complaint is that the concessionaire that is petram
Granting of San Juan de Lurigancho are not complying with a cleanup
Efficiency in this area at the intersection of Calle 17 and Calle 8 MZ "S"
Lot 3-Construction Stage II Campoy Amauta Stadium where the company operates
Entered in the private Public Records N: 11373891, with its adjoining
Main floor which is located in HUAYCOLORO province of HUAROCHI, whose
solid waste collected from different districts (SJL, El Agustino AND OTHER)
companies, embassies, public institutions and private.
To which the Compact does not give a reasonable time to park and
collect solid waste from shopping malls and neighbors to what is
Market stations in the Rising Sun in its collector. To which the villagers
have to walk half a block to that point, to which we communicate with
driver to which we said that if parking is going to generate traffic,
Time in the mornings from 8:30 am approximately.
To which if not taken corrective action request downward GRANTING
being the most damaged villages nearby.
This disease rates are highest at this point to which the
medical centers, health center, pharmacies, and natural healers is a great
business in this area.
Which plants are located in the periphery of the district SJL
Which are the major landfills are having excavations
removed all the building materials so that once they have negotiated
throughout the building material to fill all that forum to begin
receive solid waste at different districts, which in other
Filled charge up to 3 suns at least by truck.

That there are industries that pollute rivers HUAYCOLORO And with Rio Rimac
solid waste, chemical, metal and environment that are located
Campoy here in the urbanization of which do not contribute to development
This also has monopoly market in this place which does not leave
enter at this point to work which uses a Dirty War
against private enterprises, the people in this area are common. Area
Construction of the center Campoy we should have an account with the
Clean publication by the municipal administration.
Very grateful for your understanding I am to you.


ID: 40532462

Office: Jiron Amauta the 467-Urbanizacion Zarate district of San Juan de
T (511): 5459009

Wednesday April 23, 2008

Additional Note: After this once almost given full clearance for
lotizarlo level and then to be able to sell in large
amounts of dollars to people who seek the dream of home ownership.
Taking history as the landfill called the Cerro El Chivo
that ended in a tragedy where he died 2 people and there were many wounded
which are treated that organized social activities for Towards
helping wounded defending their camp leaders colluded with the football
Traffickers and land seudodirigentes as CIVIC, and other ALIFAC
institutions that form for determining Responsibilities pseudo associations,
were traded at 50% and 50% of each transaction. Weather ago 1 woman in a car
black informed us that wanted to rent the stadium for a reception
reunion glass of milk to which the charge was misled and that reunion
was for a REUNION among SEUDODIRIGENTES to agree on what the land
mentioned. In the CU

Madam period
VICTOR Inocencio CONOPUMA Genebra, identified with ID: 40532462,
domiciled in the Street 8 Apple "S" Lot 3-on the 2nd Stage-Lotizacion Campoy
of San Juan de Lurigancho: before you with due respect me
I present and exposed:
Subject: aggravated robbery, kidnapping, homicide, rape, fraud, forgery
, misappropriation, gangs, drugs and other .. (creation of Commissioners in the
Traffic ground
My problem started when the former partners will change the Amauta
name and called sunflowers. That's when unscrupulous subject
make an arbitrary demarcation and without legal value.
After the demarcation, my property, which is actually a stadium
amauta called stadium, located in the MZ "S" Lot 3-Second
Stage-Campoy Lotizacion which is a commercial area of approximately 2000 Shops
at that point in mentioning that comes Operand since 1970 entered into
Public records N: 11373891, loses a strip of 500Metros square
now where many houses have been built of concrete, which fills the
pockets at the expense of mine.
When submitting my application to the body of the formalization of property
Informal (COFOPRI), I said they were unaware of my situation and that is
iban to pronounce as soon as possible.
Now, the National Geographic Institute (IGN) prepares maps
cartographic, made a bad demarcation of my ground Quito strip
in words ..
It is not fair that for the ambition of strangers, I have to pay the
consequences. I hope that the Municipality of San Juan de Lurigancho is
pronounced as the traffic begins when the planes are not respected
cadastral, or private property.
10) -: forgery of documents (financial system)
Gentlemen officials to inform public opinion, I have a property
Priv located in the Apple "S" Lot 3 - Second-stage Lotizacion
Campoy San Juan de Lurigancho, recorded in public records
N: 11373891 which operates the stadium amauta
since 1970 and over time has become urbanized and
COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL an area where there is approximately 2000 Shops
(between markets, galleries, shops, local and other businesses) to which the
The banks offer loans in large sums of money in solar and dollars
without seeking authorization from the owner, to which they operate are with
eviction orders and the day he withdrew banks who will make their
and demands that home, which we will generate administrative costs
to answer demands upon demand and for which notifications were sent
a document to the Superintendency of Banks and Insurance AND AFP, that the stadium
Deslindes any responsibility for providing third in which the
SUPERINTENCIA Banking and Insurance AND AFP, informed us that each bank is
responsible for each bank loan.
11) - General Lord is pleased to address you by the following reason
are occurring in the park Micaela Bastidas which is located at the head of
Public records, which needs greater security and INSTALLATION
CCTV (IP), which I are aware that this area has been
become a critical point, for the following grounds of ill people
live as vague, rateros, drug addicts, abound in this location remain
Locate a Public institutions such as SUNARP, located at the height of 4
Chimu, where bars and hostels are brought in complicity with
criminals because they do not denounce their clients and be vox populi this point
Críticos, which people mostly come through this area
4 people in the area CAMPOY OF THE STAFF OF THE RECEPTION Amauta Stadiums
WITH a firearm assault to Vista and patience of the police NATIONAL
1)-That in my capacity as owner of the stadium which has an area Amauta
10.642.50m2 of Enrolled in the Public Records N: 11373891, located in
MZ "S" Lot 3-on the 2nd Stage lotizacion-Campoy, I speak for
inform you that around the Stadium Amauta precisely on the street
17 informal traders bet is that not allow free
Transit of persons entering or leaving the Stadium and the same
CHAOS coming to prevail, completely dirty and full of rubbish AND
Waste, those working in the street 17, not counting on standards
Sanitaria hygiene for the sale of their products, hindering traffic
pedestrian and vehicular, dumped sewage and solid waste in full VIA
That these informal traders might well be working within the
Cristo Rey markets, malls Street 8, markets and markets rising sun
SAN MIGUEL (PALLANCHACRA) because they have vacancies, who occupy
a commercial area of approximately 2,000 stores (markets, galleries,
ETC.), Thus giving solution to a problem in our area
Campoy and improve the living standards of our families.
2)-That, with regard to passage of vehicles stationed at these MOTOTAXIS
The street 17 (corner of Calle 8), who are occupying the tracks and paths
where they travel by vehicles and pedestrians, coupled with traders
Informal who are stationed in that Calle 17, he is a complete CHAOS
Transit both pedestrians and vehicles in general.
Also, this MOTOTAXIS have monopolized the streets, charging $ 200 CUP
Dollars Americans who wish to work with their vehicles in MOTOTAXIS
INFORMAL said whereabouts (Calle 17 and Calle 8.
3) - likewise NOT Ten are truth or sidewalks that owners
built with their own income, taking a spring break background
in the morning a car crashed with the Puerta del Centro Comercial
Street 8, signage, SEMAFORIZACION; Here they are in great need for
our population and improve the living standards of our children.
4)-also ask the ELABORARCION of a new plan by RECORDER OF CAMPOY
found outdated.
5) the sale of fuel (gas sales at 10 meters compared to market
Mercer Rising Sun)
6) workers in cerrajeria THAT salary as particles of metal which can
Ingres in view of pedestrians.
7) THE SEUDODIRIGENTES colluding with officials to make SEDAPAL
LOS negotiated by copper SEUDODIRIGENTES each $ 1,500 inhabitants
SEDAPAL of dollars and bring the water resources in the OF URBANIZATION
CAMPOY, and shall not have water 24 hours being the Mata de agua en CAMPOY.
8) Gentlemen officials governance is my complaint against the company Edelnor,
the following grounds, that the property is located at Calle 8 MZ "S"
Lot 3 - Second Stage-Campoy Urbanization - San Juan de Lurigancho where the
amauta stadium, we found that we have the same direction our
neighbour to which we have title deeds in Registers pubic Number
: 11373891 to which we call the company Edelnor and communicate them to us
they can sell only with ID and Proof of Possession to which my
question is that the title deeds would have no legal value more than a
record that delivers the possession of Municipalities, to get services
Commodities and so indebted.
The order dweller as the URBANIZACION Zarate (JIRON THE Amauta 467 (height
4 OF Chimú) requested INSTALLATION video surveillance camera systems (IP) and more
And Policies presence patrol 24 hours a day compared to
Public Registry of San Juan de Lurigancho, to which we
3 blocks from the commissioner Zarate.
A-General Lord, URBANIZACION Zarate, is sought and make coordinations
B-Gentlemen's general staff the critical point occurred in reference to
Deaths from going to those bars deaths changers, gang, robbery,
assaults at its greatest dimension at night, which customers
go to the place are all assaulted and attacked by these criminals who have
since the place as their workplaces for their criminal acts.
12) - General Lord I approach you to request a publicly
investigation by the police ecological pollution
toxic waste that factories for 38 years, furniture manufacturers
released into the environment, taking into consideration that its urbanization
basa economy in the use of wood and the few green areas have been
LOTIZADO which the environmental committee of the congress is due to pronounce
the municipality of San Juan de Lurigancho investigate the sale of food and
beverages in public streets and establishments which in occurrence of colic
intoxication and preying on the public health, the location in question is
around the stadium amauta, located in the MZ "S" Lot 3-II
URBANIZATION step-Campoy, is requested to officials of the Ministry of
HEALTH see for public health officials to civil defence
request authorization and security relocation of trade
Outpatients who has the VIAS saturation which is not s
and p
13) - VIAS auxiliary hampered
General Lord as a neighbour of urbanization Campoy is my freedom is that
8 street from the main avenue, is located in settlements
Human Rímac Campoy bordering Highway Ramiro Priale to rise
5 kilometer of the road bordering the Atarjea, these routes are a
From 20.000m2 area around a strip that is earmarked for roads
ancillary benefit of carriers who have to download your
products in the downtown area of 2000 that there Campoy business
(Markets, shopping malls, galleries and other businesses) are occupied by
This area residents for their gardens for bathing and other purposes,
until they have built a small chapel for years that hinder
economically damaging to urbanization Campoy, indicating that the
MTC with all auxiliary VIAS Highway PRIALE Ramiro, who also tried
to occupy their homes to obtain a total of approximately 200 homes in
Taking the story straight
14)-Mr. General thank in advance for your support and collaboration of
Emergency squads and especially the 105.
It is a critical point. In hours of the night at the entrance to the street and 8
7 street and park number 4 of Campoy and people of settlements Ville
LOS ANDES AND THE HIGH pigeons and AA.HH.. Rimac OF CAMPOY as the location
amauta stadium's central street-8 MZ "S" Lot 3-II-Construction Stage
Campoy happens all sorts criminal events internally and externally
around that point.
Deputy: Links to the videos on the Internet
God save you
VICTOR Inocencio CONOPUMA Genebra
ID: 40532462
Office: Jiron the Amauta 467-2 Flat Urbanization Zarate-SJL-PERU
T (511) 5459009/5459006/4328013

Stadiums Amauta S.A.-1970
Enrolled in public records N: 11373891
Calle 8 MZ "S" Lot 3
Entertainment company and general services
Dear customers
He receives a warm greeting on behalf of the stadium Amauta SAA We hope through
of this, you to know that our organization belongs to the category
sports and Services General.
We have nearly 37 years of experience in our team.
With the founding of DR. Lozano lawyer Innocent CONOPUMA CAL 4773.
We are proud of having a large football stadiums and large
commercial premises, which underpin our competitive management, which
develops in line with a strong commitment and approaches
Social responsibility.
In that sense we seek to incorporate into our team, people
with solid values, with a high commitment and willingness to work
equipment and take on new challenges under an approach to competitiveness and eficencia
SI deseas compartir nuestra visión, envianos tus sugerencias a nuestro correo
33-PERU tELF:(51-1)5459009/5459006/4328013
le comunico que el “ESTADIO AMAUTA” MZ "S" LOTE 3- 2 ETAPA Campoy
–S.J.L es un COMPLEJO comercial-industrial, totalmente urbana; contando con
área de 15 000m² rodeados de 5 Mercados y fabrica exportadora de jeans y
frente a colegio politécnico, y cuenta con Locales Comerciales Propios
(Vidrieria,Tiendas de prendas de Vestir, Videos Juegos, Venta de
Gas,Ferreteria, Joyerías,Carniceria,Veterinaria, Productos de pan
llevar,Locutorio Publico,Video PUB CALLE 8, Alimentos Balanceados,Cerrajerias,
Venta de abarratos, Restaurantes, Video Pub Mari,Zapateria Sacha, Galerías,
Pub’s, Panadería, Pollería, Etc.). Además tiene cuenta con los servicios
basicos,agua, desague, luz trifásica, cercado).Totalmente URBANIZADO
- Duchas y Servicios Higiénicos.
- A 5 minutos del Puente Nuevo y 15 minutos del centro de Lima.
- De fácil acceso pasa la LÍNEA 8 y EL RÁPIDO y todos los CARROS PARA
- Se hacen actividades deportivas todos los domingos, actividades con los
TOROS(Asociación de Residentes de la Comunidad de HUANCAYA-SAN LORENZO DE
Telf. : 4591702
Boulevard en la CALLE 8 de San Juan de Lurigancho
Zona de gran movimiento comercial.
Zona Estrategica.
Zona DE Industrias.
Zona de Galerias.
Zona de 5 mercados.
Zonas de diversión.
ZOnas de producción de muebles
Estadio Amauta(http://www.estadioamauta.com)
Tomar la linea8 rojo con amarillo en CHIMU, bajarse en la calle 8 de
ALquiler de locales comerciales(INFORMES VIDEO PUB CALLE 8)AL COSTADO DE
Informes:4591702/4328013/5459006 VICTOR CONOPUMA GENEBROSO
Carnes, frutas, verduras, embutidos, quesos, comidas, abarrotes comestibles,
desayunos, bebidas, licores, snacks, cuidado personal, cuidado del bebe,
limpieza del hogar, bazar, libreria, mascotas, ferreteria, juguetería,Cochera,

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