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Que el FMI no sigue hoy monitoreando a Argentina? Vean esto...
Por Matías - Friday, Nov. 26, 2010 at 3:16 PM

'El FMI engendro putativo del capitalismo...' como lo llamaba Perón (quién nunca quizo que Argentina ingresara como 'socio'), sigue monitoreando hoy al país como aparece en su 'International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board', publicado por el ministerio de Economía de Argentina. Este organismo de delicuentes e ideología liberal al servicio del gran capital internacional enemigo de los pueblos, viene saqueando a Argentina y otros países de Latinoamérica con sus deudas fraudulentas, reformas y condicionamientos. Está manipulado por los imperialismos de Estados Unidos, Inglaterra y los principales países de Europa. En Argentina se habla de 'ruptura' con el FMI, ruptura sería si el país cesara de ser socio de este engendro, pero mientras se rechaza un estudio de la Universidad de Buenos Aires se pide ayuda (?) nada menos que al FMI para que el INDEC diseñe un índice de precios... el cinismo y el cipayismo rastrero de los liberales tanto de izquierda como de derecha no tiene límites, es decir el límite lo pondrá la reacción de los ajustados.


Economic and Financial Data for ARGENTINA
[Last Update 11/25/10; updated daily]

The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which

Argentina has committed, please click on DSBB Home Page.
[ Real Sector | Fiscal Sector | Financial Sector | External Sector | Population ]

NOTA : Por razones tecnicas el presente texto no respeta el espaciado, para ver la tabla sin este problema ir a http://www.mecon.gov.ar/progeco/dsbb.htm

Unit Description/ Date of Latest/ Latest data/ Previous data/ Annual Growth Rate (1)/ Links to Argentina's Data

National Accounts
* GDP at Constant Prices
mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 439,767 381,222 11.8% INDEC - DNCN

mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 143,840 109,564 18.3%

Agriculture, Forestry and Livestockbreeding.
mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 38,117 13,167 65.0%

mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 554 286 0.4%

Mining and Quarrying
mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 5,061 4,821 -1.4%

mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 67,003 59,926 9.9%

Electricity, Gas and Water
mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 10,299 10,040 3.4%

mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 22,805 21,323 4.1%

mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 266,660 241,166 8.2%

Wholesale and Retail Trade and Repairs
mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 58,665 49,870 12.0%

Hotels and Restaurants
mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 9,067 11,097 7.8%

Transport, Storage and Communication
mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 49,464 44,613 11.3%

mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 22,902 21,429 9.6%

Real State, Business and Rental Services
mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 51,579 50,057 4.3%

Public Management, Defense and Organizations Extra - territorial
mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 18,292 18,569 7.3%

Teaching, Social and Health Services
mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 32,855 25,377 6.0%

Other Communitaries, Social and Personal Activities and Domestic Servicies
mill. 1993 pesos Q2/10 23,834 20,153 3.9%

* GDP at Current Prices
mill. pesos Q2/10 1,508,286 1,217,381 12.81% INDEC - DNCN

Production Index (EMI) (seasonally adjusted)
2006=100 Oct/10 124.6 125.0 8.2% INDEC

Labor Market
* Employment rate
% of population Q3/10 42.5 42.5 INDEC
* Unemployment rate
% of labor force Q3/10 7.5 7.9 INDEC
*Wages/Earnings (2)
1997=100 Q3/10 581.7 533.6 37.6% INDEC

Price index
* Consumer Prices
2008=100 Oct/10 122.0 121.0 11.1% INDEC
* Wholesale Prices, IPIM
1993=100 Oct/10 440.4 436.3 15.1% INDEC

General Government Operations (3)
* Revenues
mill. pesos 2006 195,655.7 154,560.0
* Expenditures
mill. pesos 2006 186,406.4 149,185.5
* Balance, deficit(-) / surplus(+)
mill. pesos 2006 9,249.3 5,374.5

* Of which: Public enterprises and and Others, deficit(-)/surplus(+)
mill. pesos 2006 -469.0 -320.0

* Financing
mill. pesos 2006 -9,249.3 -5,374.5

* Net financial invesment
mill. pesos 2006 -24,234.9 -12,858.5

* Net Public debt and other net liabilities
mill. pesos 2006 2,074.6 -784,.5

* Variation of net assets
mill. pesos 2006 12,911.0 6268.5

Central Government Operations (4)
* Revenues
mill. pesos Sep/10 29,292.0 25,693.5

* Expenditures mill. pesos Sep/10 29,089.6 23,563.8

* Balance, deficit(-) / surplus(+)
mill. pesos Sep/10 202.4 2,129.7

* Financing
mill. pesos Sep/10 -202.4 -2,129.7

* Financing (in local currency)
mill. pesos Sep/10 1,656.0 6,777.7

* Financing (in foreign currency)
mill. pesos Sep/10 1,453.6 -8,907.4

Central Government Debt (stock, end of period) (5)
mill. pesos Q2/10 611,725 584,409 SH

* By Currency

-U.S. dollar mill. pesos Q2/10 289,487 274,141

-Argentine peso mill. pesos Q2/10 256,838 249,877

-Euro mill. pesos Q2/10 56,918 52,501

-Japanese Yen mill. pesos Q2/10 8,047 7,436

-Sterling pound mill. pesos Q2/10 84 85

-other currencies mill. pesos Q2/10 351 369

*By Creditor:


-bilateral mill. pesos Q2/10 6,241 6,546

-multilateral mill. pesos Q2/10 63,818 62,411

-private banks mill. pesos Q2/10 22,342 20,917

-securities mill. pesos Q2/10 429,345 407,778

-guaranteed loan mill. pesos Q2/10 17,424 17,521

-others mill. pesos Q2/10 50,561 46,822

-arrears mill. pesos Q2/10 23,086 23,520

* Due in:

- 2010 mill. pesos Q2/10 70,251 82,932

- 2011-2016 mill. pesos Q2/10 257,533 241,178

- 2017-2089 mill. pesos Q2/10 285,033 261,405

Analytical Accounts of the Banking Sector BCRA
* Monetary aggregate (M1*) (6)
mill. pesos Sep/10 175,524 171,405 24.6%
* Monetary aggregate (M3*) (7)
mill. pesos Sep/10 437,325 424,464 32.6%

* Gross domestic credit to Public Sector
mill. pesos Sep/10 156,859 155,094 38.7%

* Gross domestic credit to Private Sector
mill. pesos Sep/10 188,155 181,385 27.5%

* Net External Position
mill. pesos Sep/10 -2,997 -4,568 46.0%

Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank, end of period (8) BCRA

* Monetary liabilities
mill. pesos Nov/15/10 189,038 186,351 35.2%

* Net domestic claims on Public Sector
mill. pesos Nov/15/10 124,082 127,409 48.0%

* Gross domestic claims on Private Sector
mill. pesos Nov/15/10 -83,266 -85,383 -52.1%

* Net External Position
mill. pesos Nov/15/10 198,924 198,548 14.4%

Interest rates (13) BCRA

Public Debt Interest rates (14) SF

Stock Market (MERVAL), monthly average
1988=100 Oct/10 2,769.22 2,494.21 27.0% CNV


Balance of Payments INDEC - DNCI

Current Account
mill. US$ Q2/10 3,097 -319

Goods Net
mill. US$ Q2/10 6,005 2,638

* Exports of goods (FOB)
mill. US$ Q2/10 19,096 13,197

* Imports of goods (FOB)
mill. US$ Q2/10 13,091 10,560

Services Net
mill. US$ Q2/10 -362 -436

* Services: Exports
mill. US$ Q2/10 2,845 3,153

*Services: Imports
mill. US$ Q2/10 3,207 3,589

*Income Credit
mill. US$ Q2/10 635 739

*Income Debit
mill. US$ Q2/10 3,135 3,2

Net receipts from current transfers
mill. US$ Q2/10 -29 4

Capital Accounts
mill. US$ Q2/10 4 6

Financial Accounts
mill. US$ Q2/10 185 954

Direct Investment Abroad
mill. US$ Q2/10 -46 -402

Direct Investment in Argentina
mill. US$ Q2/10 324 1,850

Portfolio and Financial Derivatives - Net
mill. US$ Q2/10 8,755 -47

Other Investment - Net
mill. US$ Q2/10 -8,847 -446

International Reserves (Transactions)
mill. US$ Q2/10 2,104 -30

Net errors and omissions
mill. US$ Q2/10 -1,181 -945

International reserves (stock, end of period) (9)
mill. US$ Nov/15/10 52,291 52,284 BCRA (10)

*Gold mill. US$ Nov/15/10 2,415 2,457

*Multilateral Credit Agreements
mill. US$ Nov/15/10 7 5

*Derivative Instruments over International Reserves
mill. US$ Nov/15/10 -149 -366

*Currency mill. US$ Nov/15/10 1,729 1,840

*SDRs mill. US$ Nov/15/10 3,152 3,208

* Deposits to be realized in foreign currency
mill.US$ Nov/15/10 45,136 45,139

IMF Reserve Position
mill.US$ Nov/15/10 0.30 0.31 BCRA (10)

International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (Template)
mill. US$ Sep/10 BCRA (10)

Total External Debt (stock end of period) (12)
mill. US$ Q2/10 ..... 118,045 INDEC - DNCI
* Public Sector
mill. US$ Q2/10 ..... 61,935

* Nonbank Private Sector
mill. US$ Q2/10 54,529 52,691 3.2%

* Financial Sector (excluding Central Bank)
mill. US$ Q2/10 3,180 3,419 -35.8 %

Merchandise trade INDEC

* Total exports (FOB)
mill. US$ Oct/10 5,884 6,401 22%

* Total imports (CIF)
mill. US$ Oct/10 4,953 5,334 35%

Exchange rate
A$/US$ Daily BCRA

International Investment Position INDEC - DNCI

* Net international investment position (stock, end of period)
mill. US$ 2009 59,342 57,736 2.8%

* External Assets
mill. US$ 2009 225,422 210,651 7.0%

- Reserve Assets
mill. US$ 2009 47,967 46,386 3.4%

- Direct investment
mill. US$ 2009 29,445 28,789 2.3%

- Other Assets
mill. US$ 2009 148,010 135,477 9.3%

* External Liabilities
mill. US$ 2009 166,080 152,915 8.6%

- Direct investment
mill. US$ 2009 80,154 77,066 4.0%

- Portfolio investment
mill. US$ 2009 29,302 17,984 62.9%

mill. US$ 2009 3,494 2,510 39.2%

mill. US$ 2009 25,808 15,473 66.8%

- Other liabilities
mill. US$ 2009 56,624 57,865 -2.1%

-Census Thousands 2001 36,260 32,615 11.2%

- Projections Thousands 2010 40,519 40,134

(1) Change of latest data on same period of previous year in percent.

(2) Average wages per worker in the manufacturing industry

(3) Includes Central Goverment. Public enterprises, Provincial and Municipal goverments. Accrual basis
From 2004 onwards the data do not include municipios provisionally.

(4) Data of the National Administration, which includes central goverment, decentralized bodies and social security institutions. Cash Basis

(5) It includes government guaranteed debt as well as direct liabilities.

(6) M1* = Circulation in pesos + peso and US dollar deposits (demand and other).

(7) M3* = Circulation in pesos + peso and US dollar deposits (demand, savings, time deposits and other).

(8) There has been a change in monetary regulation that afect this data (see com. "A" 3274 BCRA)

(9) Liquidity reserves of BCRA, including national government deposits in BCRA. Exclude other national government external deposits. Exclude BCRA´s national public bonds in foreign currency.

(10) This hiperlink provides access to a pdf file showing Argentina´s International Reserves on a daily basis and to the Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency

(11) The growth rate corresponds to the population's change between 1991 and 2001. Projections are estimated with National Population and Houses Census 2001 and are prepared with the components method (UN 1956).

(12) Non financial private sector debt stocks and flows have been revised from December 2001 onwards, based on the results of the Central Bank survey ("A" 3602).

(13) It includes interest rates on loans from Central Bank to Financial Entities. See table "tasa de interes y coeficientes de ajuste establecidos por el BCRA", "redescuento" spread sheet.

(14) See Table "Tasa Promedio Ponderada de la Deuda del Sector Publico Nacional por instrumento" (National Public Debt Average Interest Rate) in "Public Debt".
National Public Debt is long term.

(15) At Producer`s price

Data producers:
BCRA: Central Bank of Argentine Republic.

INDEC: National Bureau of Statistics and Census.

SPE: Secretariat of Economic Policy.

SH: Secretariat of the Treasury.

DNCI: National Bureau of International Accounts.

CNV: National Securities Comission.

DNCN: National Bureau of National Accounts.

DNCP: National Bureau of Coordination with Provinces.
Country's Economic and Financial Data:
Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure
Secretariat of Economic Policy INDEC
Undersecretariat of Finance
Secretariat of the Treasury Central Bank
DSBB Home Page

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