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The political behavior of two Argentine institutions (Agency and CONICET)
Por Eduardo R. Saguier - Thursday, Mar. 01, 2012 at 9:39 PM

The muteness of these signatories has shown them as compliant accomplices of the covenant of silence, and their recent challenge collectively displayed showed them fearful about losing hegemony in the current prebendal power and desperate to stop the desertion from their own parish.

The political behavior of two Argentine institutions (Agency and CONICET) and the list of social scientists subsidized by the Kirchnerist power

by Eduardo R. Saguier

The signatories of the recent public protest against the Revisionist Institute "Manuel Dorrego" and his director Prof. Pacho O´Donnell, by reducing to attack only the epiphenomenon of the new Institute, hide the existence of a nomenklature that has been eating away during the democratic governments our scientific community, spreading fear and widespread corruption.

This omission of the undersigned is not the result of an innocent oversight since they have been accepting a situation while some unscrupulous scholars benefitted from research grants of the prevailing government and the governments that preceded it (since Menem included); other colleagues not too disciplined joined the list of the ignored and persecuted, and others more pressed, angry or tired of waiting, fed the unstoppable brain drain to the central metropolis of the world.

In principle, let me report that the legal complaint against the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Production or ANPCYT [acronym in spanish] was for the large research grants --1.24 billion US dollars from a loan given by the IDB, which were wasted for thirteen years (1997-2010). The waste was practiced by the present academic patronage, subsidizing personal projects instead of investing in scientific and artistic infrastructure (laboratories, libraries, archives, museums, observatories, conservatories, documentation centers and scanned or digitized electronic resources, etc..). But the complacent actions of the Federal Court, composed of judges Irurzun, Cattani and Farah, recently upheld the ruling that filed the complaint, giving free rein in the field of science to the continuity of hide and embezzlement.

These officials, unsuccessfully accused in the criminal court, were more than a hundred managers of scientific and technological agencies (Agency coordinators, board members and advisory committees from CONEAU and CONICET and secretaries of public universities), identified by full name, who handled by the current Minister Lino Barañao and the bureaucracy of the agency, acted as judge and interested party in the orchestration of the so called "chain of happiness", and therefore were flagrantly engaged in crimes of public action, now scandalously unpunished.

I should also note that the proposed new Revisionist Institute pursues to discipline a new academic choir subordinated to the current government's vision of history, very similar to what the passed dictatorship tried, when the National Academy of History, at the request of the then Minister of Education (Llerena Amadeo), ruled for use in teaching an illegal and unconstitutional proceeding consisting of an interpretation of the past that should be exclusively "Western Christian", which until today has never deserved any indictment whatsoever nor has been conveniently rectified (La Nación, 30-V-1980).

Among the signatories of this present protest against the Revisionist Institute, belonging to the field of humanities and social sciences, there are numerous beneficiaries of subsidies (which in turn received salaries as researchers of CONICET at an average rate of USD 2,000 monthly), who in addition to the silence showed against denounced corruption in the criminal court, have not behaved against the now devalued Minister Barañao in the same way as they have done against the head of the Revisionist Institute, Prof. O´Donnell.

The sneaky and interested silence of these signatories has shown them as compliant accomplices of the covenant of silence, and their recent challenge collectively displayed showed them fearful about losing hegemony in the current prebendal power and desperate to stop the desertion from their own parish.

Appendix I shows the list of prebendaries, the year of award and the corresponding amounts in Argentine pesos (ARS 4: USD 1), although very incomplete, since each one is repeated frequently with different amounts in other years, is in Appendix I

Eduardo R. Saguier
ID 4.394.928
CONICET Researcher
Email: saguiere@ssdnet.com.ar

Appendix I

List of Social Scientists Subsidized by the Agency or ANPCYT at the present time hidden (2002-2009)

Last Name Name Year Amount in pesos

Aboy Carlés, Gerardo 2003 370,049
Albornoz, Mario 2003 199,833
Altamirano, Carlos 2006 135,576
Barrancos, Dora 2004 208,000
Barsky, Osvaldo 2002 104,062
Bellelli, Cristina 2004 203,000
Bortagaray, Juan Manuel 2002 210,000
Braun, Miguel 2005 157,000
Burucúa, Gastón 2004 205,281
Caimari, Lilia 2005 153,625
Calvo, Adriana 2005 276,000
Cavarozzi, Marcelo 2004 204,000
Chiaramonte, José Carlos 2004 150,508
Cullen Soriano, Carlos 2006 207,000
Da Orden, María 2006 160,337
Di Stefano, Roberto 2005 207,000
Ferreyra, Ana Inés 2004 130,000
Gallo, Klaus 2004 134,000
Gelman, Jorge 2006 210,000
Gerchunoff, Pablo 2007 150,000
Girbal, Noemí 2002 210,000
Grimson, Alejandro 2006 202,151
Guariglia, Osvaldo 2006 174,667
Gutiérrez, Ramón 2003 195,834
Hora, Roy 2005 160,000
Idoyaga Molina, Anatilde 2006 210,000
Jelin, Elizabeth 2006 209,688
Kreimer, Pablo 2003 195,250
Lorandi, Ana María 2005 157,000
Mallimacci, Fortunato 2004 362,186
Miotti, Laura 2006 210,000
Moreyra, Beatriz Inés 2004 209,738
Moure, Jose Luis 2006 180,000
Naishtat, Francisco 2004 167,000
Neffa, Julio 2002 160,000
Novaro, Marcos. 2005 326,000
Oszlak, Oscar 2005 94,000
Palacio, Juan Manuel 2005 124,000
Palermo, Vicente 2007 113,000
Palomeque, Silvia 2005 135,128
Plotkin, Mariano Ben 2006 208,000
Podgorny, Irina 2006 162,000
Puiggrós, Adriana 2005 204,000
Rapoport, Mario 2007 257,900
Riquelme, Graciela 2007 158,000
Rocchi, Fernando 2005 175,000
Rofman, Alejandro 2004 135,000
Romero, Luis Alberto 2006 195,000
Rubinich, Lucas 2007 158,000
Salvatore, Ricardo 2002 160,000
Santa Cruz, María Isabel 2006 182,292
Svampa, Maristella 2004 210,000
Tarragó, Myriam 2005 210,000
Teubal, Miguel 2002 185,000
Torrado, Susana 2004 120,000
Trinchero, Héctor 2003 170,000
Visacovsky, Sergio 2006 143,488

Source: list published on the website of the Agencia Nacional para la Promoción Científico-Tecnológica or ANPCYT, at the present time mysteriously disabled

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