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El Guernica de Picasso censurado
Por Somoncura,que abandona la discusion - Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 7:44 PM

Un cuadro que fue ocultado en las NAciones Unidas pues en estos tiempos no era un buen fondo para las caMaras de TV y fotos

En su momento la revista LIFE (1960..1968) negaba que tuviera algo que ver con la guerra, decia que eran interpretaciones politicas falsas..

Bueno van mejorando: ahora solo falta que no lo oculten!

Guernica Reproduction Covered at UN

NEW YORK.- The "Guernica" work by Pablo Picasso at the entrance of the Security Council of the United Nations has been covered with a curtain. The reason for covering this work is that this is the place where diplomats make statements to the press and have this work as the background. The Picasso work features the horrors of war. On January 27 a large blue curtain was placed to cover the work.

Fred Eckhard, press secretary of the U.N. said: "It is an appropriate background for the cameras." He was questioned as to why the work had been covered.

A diplomat stated that it would not be an appropriate background if the ambassador of the United States at the U.N. John Negroponte, or Powell, talk about war surrounded with women, children and animals shouting with horror and showing the suffering of the bombings.

This work is a reproduction of the Guernica that was donated by Mrs. Nelson A. Rockefeller to the U.N. in 1985.

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el guernica monica Sunday, May. 16, 2004 at 4:27 PM