Julio López
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Por fos - Saturday, Apr. 19, 2003 at 3:03 PM

comunicado del FOS

desde el Frente Obrero Socialista Regional Patagonia, nos
solidarizamos con uds ante el desalojo que han sufrido, otra vez la justicia falla en favor de los patrones, estos que vacian empresas, echan obreros, que los hacen laburar sin las minimas condiciones de seguridad, y cuando los obreros recuperamos las fabricas y las hacemos producir nos las quitan.
Por eso ¡Basta de desalojos!, si no tocan a una nos tocan a todos,
la mas amplia unidad para enfrentar y resistir los desalojos. solo los
trabajadores unidos podemos terminar con esta lacra que se llama
capitalismo, por eso terminemos con las divisiones y el sectarismo,
uniendonos en un gran Congreso Obrero y Popular.

Frente Obrero Socialista-LIT(CI)

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I extend support to Brukman and other occupied factories ...
Por Ray Majewski - Sunday, Apr. 20, 2003 at 3:54 PM

I extend strong support to the workers of Brukman and to all occupied factores in Argentina. I felt that I just had to write a letter of support after hearing about the evacuation. I originally thought that your movements were gaining strength and forging a newer and better economy, and then coming to find out that the government is horrifically stopping you from doing that. It sickens me. It sickens me that the government was able to recapture the primary factory that many say had spearheaded your movement. It's a serious blow; but it's not the end.

I would like to see this spread. I really would. It is an enlightening experience to read about your endeavors from here in the United States. We are an overly privileged society. What gives the US the right to impose its structural adjustments on you? What gives the US the right to deny your efforts via our own media? The average citizen here doesn't even understand the concept of a workers' cooperative. Many don't even know that they exist. With all the coverage of domestic problems here, the cooperative model is almost never even brought up. You are an enlightening experience; we need to hear from you. I, amongst many others who do understand, want to support you. You've shown that you can find ways to help counter an economic depression. If your government could understand, they would support you. You need to make them understand. Fight! Demand support! Even with the current evacuation, you are still doing good. Keep up the good work.

The US, beyond its media umbrella, has a pretty strong cooperative network. We have a few cooperative banks, many credit unions. We have approximately 500 workers' cooperatives. I have recently joined the National Cooperative Business Association to lend support to the domestic cooperatives and to help increase their development. The NCBA is primarily an American counterpart; the ICA is not.

The International Cooperative Alliance is a global alliance of cooperatives and their supporters who help try to encourage cooperative development. I don't know too much about the ICA's impact within Argentina or its support of the occupied factories. There is hardly no references to Brukman and other occupied factories on the ICA's website, and their South American site doesn't seem to be in English. If you could find a way to collaborate with the ICA, hoping that they would accept you, you may be able to extend and become part of a more global network of support. I can't see why the ICA wouldn't support you; they support cooperative development in developing nations. There is a possibility that your methods and problems with law enforcement may turn the ICA away, but I doubt it. You need to try to reach out. Try it. It can't hurt.

-- Ray M --

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