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Iranian Head Plans 'Holocaust' Commission
Por NV-Staff - Friday, Dec. 30, 2005 at 8:51 AM

The latest shot fired between the powerful 'Holocaust' Industry and the growing 'Holocaust' Truth Movement -- (traducción Española disponible)

Iranian Head Plans 'Holocaust' Commission

West shamed by Islamic leader

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran is apparently preparing a government commission to investigate the ultimate taboo: Jewish "Holocaust" orthodoxy.

Ahmadinejad survived a recent assassination attempt soon after making remarks about world Zionism's psychological use of the supposed planned genocide of the Jewish people in the Second World War, a contention that has surprisingly little evidence supporting it.

Ahmadinejad also pointed out that the West, whose misleaders lecture nations such as Iran about human rights, imprisons many of those who dare to question the supposedly established historical fact of the "Holocaust."

According to the anti-Iranian site Iran focus Ahmadinejad wants the planned commission, which would be the first of its kind anywhere, to finally establish what happened around the Jewish issue in World War Two, since Western scholars are not permitted to freely research, publish or discuss the "Holocaust."

Ahmadinejad and Iran are under intense Israeli-instigated American pressure in regards to the Iranian civilian nuclear energy program. Israel cynically claims the program "could" one day be used for an Iranian nuclear weapon. Israel is the only regional power in the Middle East with nukes.

Source: NV Staff


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Long Over Due!
Por Shlomo - Friday, Dec. 30, 2005 at 9:17 AM

Here we have the first country in the world where it is government policy to reject the thoroughly debunked and absurd 'Holocaust'. Who will be next?

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This Is Good News!
Por FREE ZUNDEL NOW - Friday, Dec. 30, 2005 at 9:43 AM

With the unprecedented flood of unbiased articles coming from Middle Eastern news agencies and the recent proclamations by the President of Iran--the Holocau$tTM myth is continuing to fall apart faster than a cheap suit!

"Either We Have Free Speech...

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Larga vida al gobierno irani
Por No me como la propaganda yanki - Friday, Dec. 30, 2005 at 9:48 AM

Larga vida al gobierno irani y que su petroleo le pertenezca a los iranies

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Por Uvas - Friday, Dec. 30, 2005 at 8:48 PM

Excellent development, I am looking forward to the findings of this commission and the hysterical whining that will be sure to follow.

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Viva Iran
Por uno que sabe ingles - Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005 at 3:44 AM

Viva Iran! Mis ideas no han muerto! Mueran los judios, los comunistas y los homosexuales!

Adolf Hitler

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The Campaign For Real History
Por Kudzu - Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005 at 10:23 AM

Every other historical event is open to historians.. Its ridiculous that the Holocaust should be off limits.

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Por te recuerdo que..... - Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005 at 11:17 AM

.....que tu adolfito no culeo nunca y las minas lloraban.

A los judios y a los comunistas les podes chupar el pendorcho,puede ser así,que estes satisfecho ?


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Why 6 million?
Por cindy_bin_2006 - Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005 at 2:49 PM

In the Jewish Torah, it states that "you shall return (to Israel) minus six million." The International Red Cross estimated the numbers of Jews who died in the slave labor camps at 1.4 million, which would lead one to believe that this was not an intentional genocide, but rather a massacre like the Armenians underwent for befriending Turkey's enemies.

BTW, the Zionists had claimed that the Russians had killed 6 million Jews shortly after the revolution to bolster this prophesy in the same manner.

Without God's blessing through prophecy, you can't really get that many people to rally around an invasion of the Middle East to steal the Muslims' oil, can you?

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News Links
Por Paul Revere's Ride - Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005 at 5:03 PM

Holocaust Supporters Shun Rational Discussion And Debate: Paul Fromm
Mehr News Agency

TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) -- Paul Fromm, the director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE), believes that those who support the Holocaust do not tolerate any rational discussion of the subject and have turned the Holocaust into a religion...................

The Full Interview

"This Iranian interview was what used to be called objective and decent journalism." -- Paul Fromm 12/25/05
Israel Was Built On A Lie: Adelaide Institute Director
MEHR News Agency

TEHRAN, Dec. 28 (MNA) -- Fredrick Toben, the director of the Adelaide Institute in Australia, believes that Israel was created based on the Holocaust myth.

On December 19, the Mehr News Agency conducted an interview with Toben to ask why Western countries were so outraged when Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad called the Holocaust a myth. Following is the text of the interview:

Q: The Iranian president said that he thinks that the Holocaust is a myth. However, he also said some European countries insist that millions of innocent Jews were killed during the Second World War by Hitler, and asked why the Europeans don’t give part of their land to the Jews if they are correct. What is your view?

A: The Holocaust is a lie because none of its three main pillars on which it rests are factually true or proven..................

The Full Interview

David Irving Update

Mr Irving remains in prison until his trial on February 20th. The trial is expected to last 2 days and will be held at the Large Criminal Court, Wichenburg gasse 22. Vienna.

There will be an 8 man jury and three judges. Mr. Irving has been charged under section 3g of the Verbotsgesetz which forbids denial of the Holocaust.

If convicted Mr. Irving could be sentenced to between 1 and 20 years in prison! His lawyer, Dr Elmar Kresbach has warned that any conviction will be challenged in the European Court of Human Rights. The prison authorities are holding back Mr. Irving's mail and have prevented him from telephoning England.

Mr. Irving's family is appealing urgently for donations.

They can be contacted via PO Box 18812, London. SW7 4WD United Kingdom

News Source: JS



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Por saladin - Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005 at 7:32 PM

Si huelen como NAZIS, caminan como NAZIS, piensan como NAZIS...
...significa que son NAZIS!!!!!!!!!!!
Hasta que punto seran Nazis, que cuando desmienten el Holocausto dicen que Hitler no mato 6 millones de Judios, sino solo 1 millon y medio.
Para estos genocidas, 1 millon y medio no significa ni holocausto, ni una atrocidad ni un genocidio.
Es simplemente un "exceso".
Exactamente el argumento de conocidos nazis argentinos: Videla-Massera-Galtieri-Harguindegui.
La carniceria fue solo un error de calculo, "se nos fue la mano".
Focalizar la discusion en la "cantidad", produce el efecto deseado para los nazis y genocidas: se evita discutir el concepto de "exterminar opositores" o el concepto de "limpieza etnica".
Independientemente de la cantidad de judios exterminados, Hitler impulso de hecho la limpieza etnica, el exterminio de opositores, extranjeros y diferentes.
Por eso el concepto de superioridad racial, porque en el se concentra la justificacion del exterminio de todo lo que no es ario.
Hasta aqui la pieza central de la justificacion de la guerra.
Pasada la guerra, es decir despues del sacrificio de 25 millones de sovieticos que derrotaron al nazismo, lo pusieron en retirada y luego tomaron Berlin, Europa, EEUU y la URSS se encuentran con una realidad que no quieren repetir.
Los judios en Europa son una papa caliente que nadie quiere sostener en sus manos, y encima el Vaticano prefiere sacar a los judios de su principal campo de accion, es decir Europa.
La existencia del Estado de Israel en Medio Oriente no se debe a ningun derecho historico del pueblo judio, sino a su historica relacion con el complejo militar-industrial de los EEUU.
Las milicias judias que combatieron a los ingleses colonialistas en Palestina primero y luego a todos los pueblos Arabes del area, fueron armadas, financiadas, alimentadas y politicamente apoyadas por los EEUU.
En el marco de las politicas descolonizadoras de postguerra, del voto en la ONU y de la creciente lucha anticolonial en el tercermundo, la creacion de un estado artificial y guerrrerista en Medio Oriente era la unica opcion para los EEUU de establecer una precencia concreta en el reservorio de petroleo mas grande del planeta.
Justamente por ser un Estado creado artificialmente usurpando territorio historicamente ajeno, Israel nace y sobrevive en guerra permanente.
Pero el problema es aun mayor: su comunion estrategica con los EEUU convierte a Israel en un eco de resonancia de las crisis intrinsecas del capitalismo.
El capitalismo, por crisis intrinseca, no puede subsistir sin expansionismo.
La necesidad de expandir el control sobre los recursos de Medio Oriente es una condicion sinequanon para la subsistencia economica de los EEUU y de su complejo militar-industrial.
Israel se ve asi sometido a una doble presion por su propia supervivencia : la continua lucha del pueblo Palestino para recuperar lo que le pertenece, y la necesidad de expansion del complejo militar-industrial yanki que a la vez es el suero que mantiene vivo a Israel.
Los "genios" sionistas, no tienen mejor idea para frenar la lucha del pueblo Palestino, que aplicarle la misma politica de "LIMPIEZA ETNICA" que los nazis aplicaron a ellos 60 años atras.
Con esto demuestran ser alumnos muy aplicados.
Solo viene a confirmar que los EEUU y su politica imperialista llevan ulteriormente, a TODOS LOS PUEBLOS a la catastrofe, que es la catastrofe capitalista en su etapa imperialista.
En la lucha por la liberacion del pueblo Palestino, los NAZIS que historicamente fueron anti-arabes, no tienen nada que aportar.
Solo buscan resurgir de sus propias cenizas utilizando la causa Arabe como tribuna para su venganza.
No les quepa duda que si triunfaran, esclavizarian al pueblo Arabe.
El Nazismo es no mas que una variante del imperialismo.
Es capitalismo en estado de putrefaccion.
Como Israel, como los EEUU.

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100 millones
Por ayatola - Sunday, Jan. 01, 2006 at 4:03 PM

Los comunistas mataron 100 millones y ustedes estan aca hablando de genocidios como si fueran integrantes de una sociedad de beneficiencia
Los yanquis vaya a saber cuantos mataron en diversas guerras y no hablemos de los judios que se dedican exterminar palestinos igual que los nazis hicieron con ellos. Asi que mas les vale callarse la boca y dejar de expeler bomititos descerebrados disfrazados de erudicion. Hace una cosa contame la de los 30.000 desaparecidos ahora...

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